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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019International activity of the province of Quebec in 2003-2018Окунева Алёна Андреевна; Okuneva Alena Andreevna
2019Contemporary policy of the United States aimed at confronting Islamic extremism in the information spaceДрагунова Светлана Андреевна; Dragunova Svetlana Andreevna
2019The military use of the outer space as a factor of the US-Russia strategic strife in 2000-2019Булатова Наталья Сергеевна; Bulatova Natala Sergeevna
2019"Proxy-fication" of the Syrian conflict in the context of the Iranian-American confrontation in the Middle EastМиронов Игорь Андреевич; Mironov Igor Andreevic
2019US policy on the conflict in SyriaЕремина Александра Алексеевна; Eremina Aleksandra Alekseevna
2019The US-Turkish relationship: The evaluation of the current stance and prognosticationsБеженарь Ульяна; Bezenar Ulana
2019The Trump administration think-tanks for Russia policyБенчаров Тимофей Никитич; Bencarov Timofej Nikitic
2019The Trump administration policy in the Northern Triangle countries: Case studies of El Salvador, Honduras and GuatemalaЕрмоленко Вероника Сергеевна; Ermolenko Veronika Sergeevna
2019The World Trade Organisation in the US foreign policy at the current stageПерекотий Мария Владимировна; Perekotij Maria Vladimirovna
2019India in the strategy of Donald Trump's administrationПанфилов Павел Олегович; Panfilov Pavel Olegovic