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Результаты 991-1000 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Securitization of external threats in the course of parliamentary elections in the Kingdom of SwedenМачульский Павел Андреевич; Maculskij Pavel Andreevic
2022The role of multilateral diplomacy in the conflict in the southeast of UkraineПогорелова Кристина Игоревна; Pogorelova Kristina Igorevna
2022Iran in US foreign policy (2016-2020): the role of the Congress in foreign policy makingЕремина Александра Алексеевна; Eremina Aleksandra Alekseevna
2022Cooperation of the BRICS states in combating terrorismМоскальчук Данила Александрович; Moskalcuk Danila Aleksandrovic
2022Trade and economic relations between the USA and the EU: modern problems of the integration developmentМельник Ярослав Владимирович; Melnik Aroslav Vladimirovic
2022Contemporary US immigration policy: challenges and implicationsКостюченко Савелий Владимирович; Kostucenko Savelij Vladimirovic
2022Prospects for the creation of a single digital market in the European Union: the problem of regulating the participation of foreign IT TNCsТоноян Давид Ваагнович; Tonoan David Vaagnovic
2022Positions of the Federal Republic of Germany and French Republic in terms of the formulation of the European Migration Policy in 2014-2022Ермаков Матвей Владимирович; Ermakov Matvej Vladimirovic
2022Clash of civilizations in Sino-US relations against the background of the "Second Cold war"Ван Чжи; Van Czi
2022The role and prospects of the BRICS countries in the modern global economyСвечникова Марина Геннадиевна; Svecnikova Marina Gennadievna