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Результаты 901-910 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Cultural genocide as a form of the crime of genocide: historico-legal analysis and modern aspectsБабаян Мери Эриковна; Babaan Meri Erikovna
2020Cultural relations of Russia and China in the framework of the project "One Belt One Road"Ли Шухуэй; Li Suhuej
2020Promotion of Russian tourist routes in China at the beginning of the 21st centuryЮань Мэн; Uan Men
2020The position of US political parties in cyberspaceХу Вэньхуа; Hu Venhua
2020The humanitarian aspect of China-Russian cooperation in the field of tourismСюй Да; Suj Da
2020The prevention of the weaponisation of outer spaceАмилибия Пике Ион; Amilibia Pike Ion
2020Brazil and Russia as BRICS countries: global and national prospectsДа Сильва Безерра Валдир; Da Silva Bezerra Valdir
2020European dependence on Russian energyВильдерванк Читске Леоноре Марлид; Vildervank Citske Leonore Marlid
2020The US and European economic sanctions against RussiaЧжан Хайян; Czan Hajan
reviewSV_IMG_20200611_150113.jpg.jpg2020China's Central Asia policy under the presidency of Xi JinpingВан Дицин; Van Dicin