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Результаты 711-720 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The evolution of the perception of Estonian political elite on foreign policy of the Republic of Estonia in 1999-2019Коневских Ольга Викторовна; Konevskih Olga Viktorovna
2019Political and social image of Russia in the US media space during D.Trump's presidencyМаксимова Алина Дмитриевна; Maksimova Alina Dmitrievna
2019The influence of the Ukrainian lobby on the formation of Canadian foreign policyЧернозубова Алина Андреевна; Cernozubova Alina Andreevna
2019Contemporary practice of information warfare as illustrated by the policy of Great Britain towards RussiaКальченко Игорь Игоревич; Kalcenko Igor Igorevic
2019The problem of missile defence in Eastern Europe as illustrated by Poland and RomaniaОрошану Алексей Владимирович; Orosanu Aleksej Vladimirovic
2019Power and non-power methods in modern international relationsСорокин Александр Валерьевич; Sorokin Aleksandr Valerevic
2019US policy on the conflict in SyriaЕремина Александра Алексеевна; Eremina Aleksandra Alekseevna
2019The theory of European integration: Before and after the BrexitСуслов Никита Глебович; Suslov Nikita Glebovic
2019The influence of the relationship between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the Transnistrian conflict settlementЦветкова Юлия Владимировна; Cvetkova Ulia Vladimirovna
2019The "soft power" of BRICS in the inter-civilisational dialogue between Russia and ChinaМаксимов Аркадий Дмитриевич; Maksimov Arkadij Dmitrievic