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Результаты 631-640 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The comparison of methods of brand state positioning: Case studies of Russia and FranceКосцов Никита Артемович; Koscov Nikita Artemovic
2019Current trends and forms of the Russian-Italian cultural relations at the beginning of the 21st centuryКулага Вероника Юрьевна; Kulaga Veronika Urevna
2019International activity of the province of Quebec in 2003-2018Окунева Алёна Андреевна; Okuneva Alena Andreevna
2019The interaction between the Republic of Korea and Korean DiasporasГрачева Алена Владимировна; Graceva Alena Vladimirovna
2019The role of international forums in changing the country's image: A case study of the Russian FederationХаптынская Елена Андреевна; Haptynskaa Elena Andreevna
2019Promotion of Chinese brands in Russia in the beginning of the 21st centuryГэ Вэй; Ge Vej
2019The formation of a foreign policy image of a state as illustrated by Russia and the United States in the period of 2012-2016Исмаил Рим; Ismail Rim
2019The influence of Chinese media on the ideological education of the youthЯо Синь; Ao Sin
2019The Socialistic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea: The Relations in 2011-2017Иванов Артем Андреевич; Ivanov Artem Andreevic
2019The use of a System of Independent Personnel Assessment in state bodies and international organisations: Russian and foreign experience, implementation practiceМачнев Кирилл Евгеньевич; Macnev Kirill Evgenevic