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Результаты 521-530 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Energy cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China: economics and politicsМкртчян Роберт Сейранович; Mkrtcan Robert Sejranovic
reviewSV_Othyv_Cuguevskaa137.jpg.jpg2021The correlation between international and domestic law in the field of investmentЧугуевская Елизавета Владимировна; Cuguevskaa Elizaveta Vladimirovna
2021The main tendencies in the evolution of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemicКоновалова Екатерина Вадимовна; Konovalova Ekaterina Vadimovna
2021Digital economy development programmes and the distinctive features of putting them into practice in the countries of the European UnionПопова Ольга Олеговна; Popova Olga Olegovna
2021Japanese public diplomacy towards RussiaКнязева Анна Александровна; Knazeva Anna Aleksandrovna
2021Brexit rhetoric in the shaping of Britain's soft powerВронский Валерий Маркович; Vronskij Valerij Markovic
2021Italy in the EU: challenges and opportunitiesАлиев Даудгаджи Гаджиевич; Aliev Daudgadzi Gadzievic
2021International cooperation in the field of tourism as part of a state’s foreign cultural policy drawing on the example of Russia and ItalyСоколова Анна Сергеевна; Sokolova Anna Sergeevna
2021Representation of the 1968 protests in the French press (2008-2018)Москаленко Диана Денисовна; Moskalenko Diana Denisovna
2021The green agenda in EU institutions: the balance of power between interest groups and their influence on environmental policyСкирдова Юлиана Олеговна; Skirdova Uliana Olegovna