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Результаты 301-310 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Brykalov_A_V__rec_1.jpg.jpg2017External political aspects of the fight of the Russian Federation with islamist extremism and international terrorism in the North CaucasusБрыкалов Антон Владимирович; Brykalov Anton
reviewSV_Galikaev_OB_mag_Recenziya_2_2.jpg.jpg2017Information support for military operations of the US Armed ForcesГаликаев Олег Борисович; Galikaev Oleg
2017Russia and the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the 21st centuryВоскобойникова Марина Станиславовна; Voskoboinikova Marina
2017China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative in the context of Russia's interestsМа Пэнянь; Ma Pengyan
2017China environmental issues and their possible solutionsЛю Пэй; Liu Pei
reviewSV_Vanij_Dabal_mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017Russian and European policies towards neighbouring countries: A comparative analysisДабаль Ваний Катрин Патрисия; Dabal Vanille Catrine Patricia
2017Russia and the unification of the Korean peninsula: Economic and political aspectsРо Оджин; Roh Eojin
2017The foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Central Asia (1997–2017)Мирзоев Акрамджон Хошимович; Mirzoev Akramdzhon
2017Youth as part of the EU Public diplomacyЮсупова Гульнара Рафиковна; Iusupova Gulnara
2017France's approach to the issue of European security under Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande: A comparative analysisСарайкина Ярославна Игоревна; Saraykina Yaroslavna