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Результаты 1121-1130 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Sports Aspect in the Chinese Diplomacy at the Current StageЛю Чжаои; Lu Czaoi
2023Countering COVID-19 as an element of soft power in China's foreign policyЦзян Хэянь; Czan Hean
2023Pirate Parties as an Innovative Method of Class Struggle in Northern and Eastern EuropeКлестова Валерия Александровна; Klestova Valeria Aleksandrovna
2023Twiplomacy in terms of international crises: trends and challengesГюрсой Анастасия Эрхановна; Gursoj Anastasia Erhanovna
2023Interactions of the BRICS countries in the field of energy in the context of the global trend towards decarbonization of economyЗеленович Елена; Zelenovic Elena
2023The Lack of Partisan Domination in Italy as a Characteristic Feature of the Country’s ParliamentБолиев Сергей Олегович; Boliev Sergej Olegovic
2023Russia-China Relations in the New EraХуан Имин; Huan Imin
2023From virtual threats to tangible consequences: understanding the EU-Russia cybersecurity landscapeСандрини Симон; Sandrini Simon
2023Car Brands as China’s Soft Power Tool in RussiaПэй Юньпэн; Pej Unpen
2023China and Japan in terms of Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific RegionКаюкова Ярослава Сергеевна; Kaukova Aroslava Sergeevna