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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 368
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Female gender socialisation in modern societies of Russia and ChinaКавун Анна Игоревна; Kavun Anna Igorevna
2023Improving the state policy of social protection of citizens without a fixed place of residence in the Russian Federation: a case study of St.PetersburgПирогова Анастасия Олеговна; Pirogova Anastasia Olegovna
2023Creative industry in Russia and ChinaБабаров Николай Александрович; Babarov Nikolaj Aleksandrovic
2023Digital practices of vulnerable groups of the population: a case study of the homeless in St.PetersburgЧерноиванова Анна Сергеевна; Cernoivanova Anna Sergeevna
2023Effectiveness of communication practices to promote youth tourism in Russia: case study of the "Nesin Travel" tourism projectШурыкин Вадим Сергеевич; Surykin Vadim Sergeevic
2023Factors of social and economic interaction between Russia and China within the framework of the SCO (a case study of educational cooperation in ASRTU)Красновид Даниил Юрьевич; Krasnovid Daniil Urevic
2023Social and economic problems of job search for young professionals in Russia and ChinaАвин Ян Андреевич; Avin An Andreevic
2023Professional deformation of social work specialists and measures for its preventionБжинаева Милана Артуровна; Bzinaeva Milana Arturovna
2023Trends in development of China's real estate economy: economic and sociological analysisСу Пань; Su Pan
2023Investment behavior of the Chinese population: economic and sociological analysisПэн Цзялэ; Pen Czale
2023Image of the father in the Chinese language worldviewВан Хунбинь; Van Hunbin
2023Impact construction of eco-smart buildings on the process of urbanisation in Russia and ChinaВэй Цзяньхуа; Vej Czanhua
2023Scientific, technical and innovative cooperation between Russia and China: social aspectsАйзиер Айкебаиер; Ajzier Ajkebaier
2023Preventing the brain drain of highly skilled professionals abroad: management practices in Russia and ChinaЛи Шици; Li Sici
2023Characteristics of public health development in Russia and China (a study of epidemic prevention measures during the COVID-19 pandemic)Чжан Шаша; Czan Sasa
2023Combating poverty as a necessary process of social and economic development in Russia and ChinaКун Чуан; Kun Cuan
2023Impact of trade cooperation within the "One Belt, One Road" project on the social and economic development of Russia and ChinaЧэнь Боянь; Cen Boan
2023Organisational culture in Russian and Chinese companiesСунь Жуй Линь; Sun Zuj Lin
2023Socialist politics and market economy: a comparative analysis of the historical experience of the USSR and the PRCДу Исюань; Du Isuan
2023Impact of housing provision in modern cities on the social and economic development of Russia and ChinaЧжан Пу; Czan Pu
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 368