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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 405
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The Role of Orthodoxy in Shaping Civic Identity of Young People in St.PetersburgЛука Валерия Витальевна; Luka Valeria Vitalevna
2024A Comparative Study of Health Insurance Systems of China and RussiaЛи Ичжэнь; Li Iczen
2024The Integration of Students' Values in the Process of Team Work: the Case of Comparative Network AnalysisСедельникова Лидия Андреевна; Sedelnikova Lidia Andreevna
2024Educational Strategies of Youth in the Post-Globalisation Period: the Case of MurmanskСазонова Анастасия Сергеевна; Sazonova Anastasia Sergeevna
2024Social Response of European Art Communities to the Artificially Generated ArtСизов Герман Олегович; Sizov German Olegovic
2024Shaping Civic Position among Student YouthИванов Кирилл Александрович; Ivanov Kirill Aleksandrovic
2024Specifics of Economic Behavior of Young People in Metaverses: the Case of Chinese and Russian AudiencesПовидыш Александра Вадимовна; Povidys Aleksandra Vadimovna
2024Promising Directions for Digital Transformation of the Social Service System for Elderly Citizens in St.PetersburgГриценко Иван Вячеславович; Gricenko Ivan Vaceslavovic
2024Commercialisation of the Magical: Strategies for Self-Presentation of Representatives of Occultism in Russian-Language MediaТуманин Михаил Андреевич; Tumanin Mihail Andreevic
2024Organisation of Social Support for Graduates of Orphanage InstitutionsДерещук Валерия Андреевна; Deresuk Valeria Andreevna
2024Ecological Culture in the Sphere of Consumption: a Comparative Analysis of Russian and Chinese YouthШегурова Яна Евгеньевна; Segurova Ana Evgenevna
2024Recommendatory Algorithms as a Tool for Managing Consumer Behavior in a Digital SocietyЭсселевич Эрнест Алексеевич; Esselevic Ernest Alekseevic
2024Popularisation of Physical Education and Sports among the Population of the Krasnogvardeysky District of St.PetersburgЛыкова Людмила Игоревна; Lykova Ludmila Igorevna
2024Sociological Analysis of the Development of the Russian Fashion Market: Challenges and ProspectsСемёнова Александра Андреевна; Semenova Aleksandra Andreevna
2024Adaptation of International Students from Asian Countries at St.Petersburg State UniversityГолошейкина Анастасия Андреевна; Golosejkina Anastasia Andreevna
2024How Friendly Sino-Russian Relations Influence and Foster the Development of Economies of the Two CountriesЧжан Чжэн; Czan Czen
2024A Comparative Analysis of Social Well-Being Systems in Russia and ChinaЦао Е; Cao E
2024Social and Cultural Factors Influencing the Formation of Consumer Preferences among Chinese and Russian Students: Similarities and DifferencesШи Яньцин; Si Ancin
2024A Comparative Study of Ideas about Marriage among Contemporary Russian and Chinese YouthЯн Цзысюань; An Czysuan
2024Birth Rates and Economic Growth in ChinaЛю Сяоцзе; Lu Saocze
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 405