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Результаты 1-10 из 14.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The application of Blockchain technologies in executive branches of government in St.PetersburgЛукьянченко Владислав Сергеевич; Lukancenko Vladislav Sergeevic
2021Mobile IT applications as a means of vulnerable groups’ adaptation in the context of digitalisationОлейников Андрей Григорьевич; Olejnikov Andrej Grigorevic
2021Students' market values in digitalizing societyСалфетник Кирилл Александрович; Salfetnik Kirill Aleksandrovic
2021Work ethic of remote employeesБелая Анна Сергеевна; Belaa Anna Sergeevna
2021Prevention of xenophobia among young people under digitalisationБабушкина Елизавета Антоновна; Babuskina Elizaveta Antonovna
2021Changing work conditions in the academic sphere under a pandemic: a case study of the University of Bielefeld, GermanyДерюгина Арина Дмитриевна; Derugina Arina Dmitrievna
2021Conceptions of health in social networks: a study of personal blogs on InstagramСвириденко Анна Сергеевна; Sviridenko Anna Sergeevna
2021Socio-economic features of the development of the online video services market in RussiaЛисненко Дмитрий Антонович; Lisnenko Dmitrij Antonovic
2021Social aspects of households’ financial digitalisation in RussiaГерасимов Кирилл Андреевич; Gerasimov Kirill Andreevic
2023Federal project "The State for the People": problems of evaluating the implementationАлександров Михаил Алексеевич; Aleksandrov Mihail Alekseevic