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Результаты 81-90 из 130.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Cultural Cooperation between the USSR and the PRC in the Field of Museum Work in 1949 - 1991: a Case Study of Archives, Museums and Libraries of St.PetersburgКузьминых Дмитрий Андреевич; Kuzminykh Dmitry
2017Russian inbound tourism in BeijingЧжан Хао; Zhang Hao
reviewSV_SHeptalin_Soglasie.jpg.jpg2017Reunification of the Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia in the 1990s – 2000s as a problemШепталин Леонид Викторович; Sheptalin Leonid
2017Nicholas I in the English historiography of the 20th – early 21st centuriesСиволобова Юлия Сергеевна; Sivolobova Iuliia
2017Depiction military saints in the wall paintings of Old Russian churchesКудя Анна Денисовна; Kudia Anna
2017Description of people and lands in the Russian ambassadorial documentation of the 16th centuryТолмачев Павел Андреевич; Tolmachev Pavel
2017Charles Ricketts's art in the context of the English book graphic arts development in the late 19th – early 20th centuriesПолякова Кристина Сергеевна; Poliakova Kristina
2017Reorganisation of public health system in the Russian Empire in the early 20th centuryПерекрестова Софья Владимировна; Perekrestova Sofia
2017Migration of the German nobility in the 17th century: The aspects of international noble cultureМигунова Анастасия Викторовна; Migunova Anastasiia
reviewSV_Otzyv_na_Lelis.jpg.jpg2017The image of Petrograd–Leningrad in the concept of Soviet constructivism in the 1920s – early 1930sЛелис Анастасия Сергеевна; Lelis Anastasiia