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Результаты 71-80 из 130.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The Fate of Things: Fancy Dresses for the 1903 BallАнисимова Маргарита Вячеславовна; Anisimova Margarita
2018Peasant Uprisings in China and in Russia in the 18th - 19th Centuries: Comparative-Historical AspectГуань Цинь; Guan Qin
reviewSV_kalaban.JPG.jpg2018Old Halich School of Architecture: the 12th – 13th Centuries. Key Research IssuesКалабан Юлия Игоревна; Kalaban Iuliia
2018Individual Letter Writing in the System of Russian Culture of the Late 18th – First Half of the 19th Century: 1786 – 1864Петрова Александра Валерьевна; Petrova Alexandra
reviewSV_CHzhao_Cucyao_mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017Peter the Great and the Kangxi Emperor: A comparative analysis of their state activitiesЧжао Чуцяо; Zhao Chuqiao
reviewSV_Tyan_CHzhunxua-skan2.jpg.jpg2017Russian–Chinese relations in the 17th century: Conflicts on the borderТянь Чжунхуа; Tian Zhonghua
2017The historical and cultural development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei regionsЛи Инин; Li Yining
2017Industrial tourism in St.Petersburg. Development perspectivesПетрова Анна Александровна; Petrova Anna
2017Bronislav Grombchevsky. An ethnic pole at the service of the Russian EmpireПолукорд Алиция Анна; Polukord Alicja Anna
2017The Armenian Question in the international relations of 1917 – 1921Алиханян Гор Тигранович; Alikhanyan Gor