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Результаты 371-380 из 407.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Illegal excavations and trade in archaeological antiquities in Russia in the second half of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuriesКозловский Дмитрий Вячеславович; Kozlovskij Dmitrij Vaceslavovic
2022M.Nesterov's work in 1917 - 1941: between the "World Revolution" and "Russophil propaganda"Баронова Анастасия Сергеевна; Baronova Anastasia Sergeevna
2022Chinese collections of St.Petersburg museums (early 18th - 1930s)Петрова Елена Жирайровна; Petrova Elena Zirajrovna
2022Ways of interpreting the blockade of everyday life in the museums of Leningrad – St.Petersburg in the 20th – 21st centuriesЧерчинцева Алина Константиновна; Cercinceva Alina Konstantinovna
2022Features of the historical views of Appian of AlexandriaСтепанов Игорь Николаевич; Stepanov Igor Nikolaevic
2022Interaction between Moscow and Western Russian pedagogical traditions in the 16th - 17th centuriesЛесяк Амра Милена; Lesak Amra Milena
2022"The Sanctuary of Demeter" in Myrmekia: a comprehensive analysisКондрашова Елизавета Сергеевна; Kondrasova Elizaveta Sergeevna
2022Empire agents: the role of private companies in shaping the communication system of the British Empire: a case study of Thomas Cook & SonВасильева Анна Юрьевна; Vasileva Anna Urevna
2022Avant-garde heritage in the regions in a museum contextПушенкова София Алексеевна; Pusenkova Sofia Alekseevna
2022The evolution of women's educational system in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuriesМихайлова Ольга Александровна; Mihajlova Olga Aleksandrovna