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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 88
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Tectonic evolution of the Western part of Southern VerkhoyanskКалинин Михаил Андреевич; Kalinin Mikhail
2017A geological and geophysical model of the Marokskoye gold ore field (the Yenisei Ridge)Ихина Эльвина Радиковна; Ikhina Elvina
2017Layered minerals and inorganic compounds with heavy and transition metalsНекрасова Диана Олеговна; Nekrasova Diana
reviewSV_Gabdraxmanova_F_A__mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017High-temperature crystal chemistry of some framework and layered titanosilicatesГабдрахманова Фаина Альбертовна; Gabdrakhmanova Faina
2017Analysis of hydrogeological conditions and development of flow model of the NPP Paks-2 site (Hungary)Дунюшин Алексей Алексеевич; Duniushin Aleksei
2017Correlation analysis of the Cone Penetration test results with laboratory research into physical and mechanical properties of moraine soils in Saint-PetersburgВалеева Алия Ринатовна; Valeeva Aliia
2017Noble metal mineralisation in Cenozoic volcanic sedimentary formations in the south of Sakhalin IslandБелякова Анастасия Алексеевна; Beliakova Anastasiia
2016Geological and geochemical characteristics of Ordovician shales of the Leningrad RegionКурудимов Иван Саввич; Curudimov Ivan
2016The influence of organic matter on soil sorption functionСимонова Юлия Владимировна; Simonova Iuliia
reviewSV_otziv001.jpg.jpg2016The genesis of the ore-forming fluids of the gold deposit Pedrolampi (Karelia) using the isotopic C-O-Sr-Nd systems in carbonatesБучнев Илья Николаевич; Buchnev Ilia
2016The influence of physicochemical properties and soil moisture on soil optical propertiesОсипова Мария Николаевна; Osipova Mariia
2016Features of the structure and properties of humic horizons of Saint-Petersburg soilsБулышева Анна Михайловна; Bulysheva Anna
2016Geological structure and ore mineralization of south-eastern part of Vetreny Belt, Arkhangelsk regionТитов Дмитрий Юрьевич; Titov Dmitrii
2016Material composition features of ores and metasomatites in the Kosmozero faulted zone (the Republic of Karelia)Бадридинов Рустам Валерикович; Badridinov Rustam
2016Evaluation of engineering-geological characteristics of loess soils as mounting bases for structures: case studies of construction sites of the Rostov regionЧеботарева Татьяна Николаевна; Chebotareva Tatiana
reviewSV_Recenziya.jpg.jpg2016Structure and Evolution of Mesozoic sedimentary basin of the eastern part of the Yenisei-Khatanga and Lena-Anabar depressionsУшаков Андрей Владимирович; Ushakov Andrei
2016Laws of natural electromagnetic field during well pumpingСоколов Михаил Максимович; Sokolov Mikhail
2016Petrology of the plagiogranites from the Rupdalen zone in the ophiolite complexes Lungen, Northern NorwayСемихина Евгения Викторовна; Semikhina Evgeniia
reviewSV_Otzyv(Recenziya)_Semyonov.jpg.jpg2016The forecast of gold mineralization using geophysical data within the Bodaibo SynclinoriumСеменов Николай Владимирович; Semenov Nikolai
2016Regularities of long-term variations of chemical composition of natural waters near Daymishche village (Gatchina district of Leningrad region)Романова Анастасия Александровна; Romanova Anastasiia
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 88