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Результаты 1-10 из 166.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Estimation of recreational potential of the Republic of Karelia for the development of eco-tourismБурмай Елена Владимировна; Burmai Elena
2016Environmental problems of oil and gas complex development of the South-East coast of the Caspian Sea near the Cheleken PeninsulaСокурова Юлия; Sokurova Yuliya
reviewSV_2.jpg.jpg2016The problem of glacial and glacial-marine sedimentation: a case study from the sections of Svalbard quaternary sedimentsШамин Иван Андреевич; Shamin Ivan
2016Economic-geographical factors and conditions of development of rural tourism in the United StatesАлкснис Александр Владимирович; Alksnis Aleksandr
2016Development of marketing policy of protected recreational areas in ChinaЧжан Лян; Zhang Liang
reviewSV_otzyv_recenzenta_Vershinina_1.jpg.jpg2016Prospects for the development of active forms of tourism in the Arctic regions of Russia (Murmansk region case study)Вершинина Мария Владимировна; Vershinina Mariia
2016Assessment of damage caused by land disturbance and pollutionИтикеев Ильсур Иждавлетович; Itikeev Ilsur
2016Assessing the impact of meteorological factors on the air quality in St. PetersburgВтюрин Даниил Владимирович; Vtiurin Daniil
2016Landscapes and high-altitude zonation of the central part of the Crimean MountainsКашутина Илария Николаевна; Kashutina Ilariia
2016Geopolitical aspects of a regional system of "Azerbaijan-Turkey-Georgia"Гасанзаде Зохраб Ровшан оглы; Gasanzade Zokhrab