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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 81 по 100 из 166
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Development of the environmental science course for high schoolМеринова Елизавета Сергеевна; Merinova Elizaveta
2017Ecological and geochemical assessment of Lake Sapsho (the "Smolensk Lakeland" National Park)Попова Елена Александровна; Popova Elena
2017Ecological and geological assessment of migration of light petroleum products in the mining area of the Zolotinka deposit (Khabarovsk Krai)Лескова Полина Геннадьевна; Leskova Polina
2017Ecological and geological assessment of Vasileostrovsky district environment according to monitoring data of content of heavy metals in snow cover and soilsАгафонова Елизавета Константиновна; Agafonova Elizaveta
2017Prospects for the development of public environmental monitoring in the Russian FederationРуденко Ксения Васильевна; Rudenko Kseniia
2017Issues in sustainable development of Krasnogvardeysky District, St.PetersburgДуброва Александра Андреевна; Dubrova Aleksandra
reviewSV_IMG_20170608_143910.jpg.jpg2017The composition of the low molecular weight metabolome of Elodea canadensis Michx. in water bodies of different geographical regionsВавилова Татьяна Евгеньевна; Vavilova Tatiana
2017Assessment and GIS mapping of water balance components: A case study of Lake IlmenПрокопеня Алиса Дмитриевна; Prokopenya Alisa
2017Ecological and geological assessment of the Murinsky Park (St Petersburg)Навинкин Артем Петрович; Navinkin Artem
2017Problems of a radioactive waste repository in clayЛеонтьев Филипп Александрович; Leontyev Philipp
2017Improvement of risk management standards in the field of environmental and occupational safety: A case study of the plant of the PepsiCo Holdings LLC branch in St.PetersburgОсипов Александр Вячеславович; Osipov Alexander
2017Geodynamics of the White Sea and Ladoga Lake and associated dangerous geological processesЧикишева Софья Сергеевна; Chikisheva Sofya
2017Development of enotourism in GeorgiaФедосеева Александра Сергеевна; Fedoseeva Aleksandra
2017Ecological and geochemical assessment of the area state of Lake Loshamie (the National Park Smolensk Lakeland)Гузев Владислав Евгеньевич; Guzev Vladislav
2017Assessment of ecogeological condition of the town and spa-resort of Staraya RussaКириченко Яна Андреевна; Kirichenko Iana
reviewSV_Adrov_002.jpg.jpg2017Landscapes of Kunashire Island: A case study of Golovnin volcano calderaАдров Николай Вячеславович; Adrov Nikolay
2017Development of the transport and logistics infrastructure of tourist routes in the Vologda RegionНестеренко Яна Валерьевна; Nesterenko Iana
2017A study of urban density indicators: A case study of the Petrograd Side, St.PetersburgСафронова Вероника Александровна; Safronova Veronika
2017The United Kingdom as the centre of the English-speaking world and educational tourismДерябина Анна Эдуардовна; Deryabina Anna
2017Factors of emergence and dissemination of disability in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: Sectoral and regional aspectsБожков Николай Игоревич; Bozhkov Nikolai
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 81 по 100 из 166