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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 223
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Infectious complications of mechanical trauma in the practice of the maxillofacial surgeonЛисовая Лиана Сергеевна; Lisovaa Liana Sergeevna
reviewSV_IMG_7184.jpeg.jpg2023Condition of periodontal tissues in postmenopausal womenДаваагэрэл Гэрэлтуяа; Davaagerel Gereltuaa
2023The application of three-dimensional technologies in dentistryУсмонов Мухаммадсоли Акмалжон угли; Usmonov Muhammadsoli Akmalzon ugli
2023Analysis of the reasons for the extraction of permanent teeth in childrenШумахер Артур; Sumaher Artur
2023Tumors of the salivary glands. Etiology. Classification. Clinic.Темошкевич Анастасия Игоревна; Temoskevic Anastasia Igorevna
reviewSV_IMG_7181.jpeg.jpg2023Periodontal status of overweight patientsГоловатова Кристина Сергеевна; Golovatova Kristina Sergeevna
2023Clinical and morphological features of deep bite and methods of treatmentАксёнов Камиль Табрисович; Aksenov Kamil Tabrisovic
2023Assessment of the dynamics of the state of bone tissue around dental implantsГоловнёва Валерия; Golovneva Valeria
2023Modern aspects of practical use of intraoral scanner in dentistryСоловей Кирил; Solovej Kiril
2023Comparative analysis of the calculation of teleoroentgenograms at the Department of Dentistry, St. Petersburg State University.Просвирничев Андрей Алексеевич; Prosvirnicev Andrej Alekseevic
2023Pulpitis treatment in the XX and XXI century - methods, technologies, differencesБыкуляк Анастасия Игоревна; Bykulak Anastasia Igorevna
2023Psychological testing of dental patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction.Дементьева Алёна Ярославовна; Dementeva Alena Aroslavovna
2023The state of hemodynamics of periodontal tissues in patients with gum recessionДжахангирова Нармин Зауровна; Dzahangirova Narmin Zaurovna
2023Analysis of the need for orthodontic treatment among the adult population of the metropolisВедерникова Анастасия Сергеевна; Vedernikova Anastasia Sergeevna
2023Root canal apical third obturation quality depending on the tooth root anatomyКудринская Валерия Руслановна; Kudrinskaa Valeria Ruslanovna
2023The use of mucogingival surgery techniques for the restoration of interdental papillaeКуприйчук Юлия Евгеньевна; Kuprijcuk Ulia Evgenevna
2023Clinical results of the introduction of a dental hygienist in the work of the St. Petersburg State Budget Health care Institution "Dental Polyclinic No. 15"Акишина Маргарита Викторовна; Akisina Margarita Viktorovna
2023Morphofunctional parameters of the face that affect its aesthetic perceptionФараджзадех Мирармин; Faradzzadeh Mirarmin
2023Combination of surgical interventions during implantationБагерхани Асаль; Bagerhani Asal
2022Complex methods of diagnostics and treatment of distal occlusionБерезина Дарья Дмитриевна; Berezina Dara Dmitrievna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 223