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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 434
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Cooperation indexes in normal-form gamesПэн Синьхэ; Pen Sinhe
2024Development of neural network methods and mobile tools for assessing the quality of interior finishing worksМупанесуре Такудзва; Mupanesure Takudzva
2024Graph neural network methods for analysing urban transport topology in several citiesЧжоу Цзяхуэй; Czou Czahuej
2024Irrational-behavior-proof conditions for the group pursuit gameЧжан Босинь; Czan Bosin
2024Development of a robot on the base of multi-sensor synthesis for artifact collection in precision agricultureЧжан Цзя; Czan Cza
2024Diagnosis of diabetes based on neural networksАкмырадов Шазада; Akmyradov Sazada
2024Research on diabetes prediction model based on machine learning from the perspective of cooperative game theoryЧжан Пэйчи; Czan Pejci
2024Development of an information system for cryptocurrency arbitrage using distributed computing technologiesГригорьев Алексей Игоревич; Grigorev Aleksej Igorevic
2024Optimisation of flight task planning in the company of PJSC Rosneft Oil CompanyРудакова София Святославовна; Rudakova Sofia Svatoslavovna
2024Style-based floorplan editingСеребренников Роман Андреевич; Serebrennikov Roman Andreevic
2024Integral calculus in economicsАймуратов Исламбек Камалатдинович; Ajmuratov Islambek Kamalatdinovic
2024Recognition of embedded subtitles in a video streamЧэнь Юйцзин; Cen Ujczin
2024Implementation of an intelligent system for solving inverse kinematics problems of a robot manipulator with an excessive number of degrees of freedomОбада Мунтадер Хазим Самир; Obada Muntader Hazim Samir
2024Analysis of the impact of human capital on the output of the enterpriseЕхтанигова Камила Казбековна; Ehtanigova Kamila Kazbekovna
2024Predicting Alzheimer's disease by means of deep learningАсатурян Виктория Георгиевна; Asaturan Viktoria Georgievna
2024Detection of metastatic liver lesions based on neural networksЗалесов Илья Михайлович; Zalesov Ila Mihajlovic
2024Application architecture for transmitting compact representation of video contentПетрович Юрий Михайлович; Petrovic Urij Mihajlovic
2024Motion of a group of above surface robots in interception taskАльчибаев Матвей Витальевич; Alcibaev Matvej Vitalevic
2024Neural network approach for video content compressionЧакляров Георгий Олегович; Caklarov Georgij Olegovic
2024Analysing task allocation strategies in computer networks considering the possibility of joint executionАгеев Андрей Николаевич; Ageev Andrej Nikolaevic
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 434