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2022The influence of the composition of water-amide solvent and temperature on the composition and the structure of metal-organic frameworks based on copper and zinc terephthalatesТолмачев Максим Викторович; Tolmacev Maksim Viktorovic
2022Quantum chemical study of dual emission of azulene derivativesКозина Дарья Олеговна; Kozina Dara Olegovna
2022Role of noncovalent interactions in glutathione peroxidase activity: quantum chemical studyКарпов Валерий Владимирович; Karpov Valerij Vladimirovic
2022The effect of sol-gel synthesis conditions and physico-chemical properties of zirconia based precursors and ceramicsЛомакина Татьяна Евгеньевна; Lomakina Tatana Evgenevna
reviewSV_R2.jpg.jpg2022Hydrogen bond in homoconjugated anions of phosphorous-containing acidsЧакалов Эдем Рустемович; Cakalov Edem Rustemovic
2022Selectivity of the formation of beta-versus gamma- or delta-lactams in the Castagnoli-Cushman reaction and related processesАнаньева Анна Алексеевна; Ananeva Anna Alekseevna
2022Liquid-liquid microextraction of adrenaline for its determination in urine samplesКаспер Светлана Васильевна; Kasper Svetlana Vasilevna
2022Laser-induced migration of electrons and ions in Nb-phosphate and Nb-silicate glassesЛитвин Андрей Витальевич; Litvin Andrej Vitalevic
2022Chitosan-based ophthalmic dexamethasone delivery systemsБокатый Антон Николаевич; Bokatyj Anton Nikolaevic
2022Study of the possibilities of the metabolomic profile of plants with antiviral and antibacterial activity, obtained in vitro by chromatography and capillary electrophoresisКарпицкий Дмитрий Алексеевич; Karpickij Dmitrij Alekseevic