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2021A new approach to the synthesis of oxadiazecinones from N-substituted aminoethanols and [1,4]oxazepinonesГринцевич Сергей Александрович; Grincevic Sergej Aleksandrovic
2021Functionalisation of graphene oxide with L-methionine amino acid: synthesis, characterisation and biocompatibility studiesАгеев Сергей Вадимович; Ageev Sergej Vadimovic
2021Phase equilibrium and critical states in reactive system containing n-butyl acetateСмирнов Александр Алексеевич; Smirnov Aleksandr Alekseevic
2021Synthesis of chelated diaminocarbene platinum complexes - potential anticancer agentsХабибуллин Роман Маратович; Habibullin Roman Maratovic
2021Study of the complex formation of copper(II) with 4,4'-bipyridine and benzenedicarboxylic acid anions in organic solventsПодрядова Кристина Андреевна; Podradova Kristina Andreevna
2021Investigation of photochemical and thermodynamical properties of photoactivated bioactive azobenzene derivativesКравцов Денис Вадимович; Kravcov Denis Vadimovic
20212-Diazo-4-chloroacetoacetates in synthesis of novel heteroannulated 1,2,3-triazolesБудеев Антон Владимирович; Budeev Anton Vladimirovic
2021Gel electrolytes based on pyrrolidinium salts for metal-ion batteriesЛи Биньяо; Li Binao
2021Synthesis of mineral-carbon sorbents with carbon nanostructures and study of their propertiesСластина Светлана Александровна; Slastina Svetlana Aleksandrovna
2021Investigation of photoactivation mechanisms of archaerhodopsin-3 voltage-sensitive fluorescent derivativesМиронов Владимир Николаевич; Mironov Vladimir Nikolaevic