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2023Synthesis of nitrogen heterocycles using acetylene generated in a reaction vesselВалов Никита Романович; Valov Nikita Romanovic
2023Biocompatible phosphorescent oxygen sensors based on iridium(III) complexes: synthesis and study of their propertiesМихневич Виталия Геннадьевна; Mihnevic Vitalia Gennadevna
2023Application of multilayer coatings based on gold nanoparticles and polymers for the electrophoretic separation of biologically active compoundsМоргачева Виолетта Павловна; Morgaceva Violetta Pavlovna
2023Polylithionaphthalenes: development of synthetic methods and study of their reactivityЯкубенко Артем Алексеевич; Akubenko Artem Alekseevic
2023Richter cyclization in the series of vic-alkynylated 3-aminopyridinesОгурцова Анна Дмитриевна; Ogurcova Anna Dmitrievna
2023Phosphine complexes of platinum(II) based on tridentate cyclometallating ligands of the N^N^C type: influence of the nature of ligands and a metal-metal bond formation on photophysical propertiesШилов Роман Алексеевич; Silov Roman Alekseevic
2023Studying the possibilities of gold porous interdigitated electrodes as a sensor platform for oligonucleotide detectionПантин Андрей Владимирович; Pantin Andrej Vladimirovic