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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 91
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Perception of children speech with Autism Spectrum Disorders by adultsНиколаев Александр Сергеевич; Nikolaev Aleksandr
reviewSV_otzyv_Polyakov.jpg.jpg2017Soil diversity in the delta of the Lena riverПоляков Вячеслав Игоревич; Polyakov Vyacheslav
2017Alternative oxidases of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: regulation under stress conditionsОстроухова Мария Владимировна; Ostroukhova Mariia
2017Fauna and ecology of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of the Southern Baikal RegionМахов Илья Андреевич; Makhov Ilia
2017Ecosystems of shallow waters of the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga and their transformation in connection with the economic development of the coastsКирсанова Анна Владимировна; Kirsanova Anna
reviewSV_Soglasie_na_obrabotku.jpg.jpg2017Study of the specificity of EEG amplitude-frequency characteristics after brain injuryКондаурова Оксана Юрьевна; Kondaurova Oksana
reviewSV_Kirillova_YU_A__rec_jpg_sogl.jpg.jpg2017Analysis of the effectiveness of the Red books and Red lists (case-study, territory of Saint-Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast)Кириллова Юлия Александровна; Kirillova Yulia
2017Improving the system of environmental protection on the moose migration paths (case study, Leningradskaya oblast)Ирхина Екатерина Сергеевна; Irkhina Ekaterina
2017Expression of prostaglandin E2 and vascular factors in human immunocompetent organs in early postnatal ontogenesisЕрыкалина Инна Александровна; Erykalina Inna
2017Fauna and ecology of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of the Southern Baikal RegionДементьева Мария Константиновна; Dementeva Mariia
reviewSV_Pavlova_Soglasie_na_obrabotku_person_dannyx.jpg.jpg2017Biodiversity of algae of the Nizhne-Svirsky State Nature ReserveТун Вэнькай; Tong Wenkai
2017Physiological tremor and peripheral hemodynamics assessment of deception-related emotional reactionsСтепанов Алексей Владмирович; Stepanov Alexei
2017Ecological consequences of fishing in the Irikla ReservoirОрловский Игорь Дмитриевич; Orlovskii Igor
reviewSV_Otzyv_o_rabote_D__YUdovoj_2017_(1)__skan.jpeg.jpg2017Late Cretaceous Chingandzha flora of Northeastern RussiaЮдова Дарья Андреевна; Iudova Daria
2017Studying properties of fibrocytes derived from monocytic cell line THP-1 with JAK2 V617F mutationПриходько Станислава Сергеевна; Prikhodko Stanislava
2017Study of interaction of TRPC channels with ORAI proteins in HEK293 cell lineКолесников Дмитрий Олегович; Kolesnikov Dmitrii
reviewSV_Otzyv_Sonya_Scan-170530-0001.jpg.jpg2017Influence of various available sources of nitrogen on physiological and morphological parameters of dinoflagellatesПечковская Софья Александровна; Pechkovskaia Sofia
2017Current state of macrozoobenthos in the Laptev SeaСапунова Анастасия Игоревна; Sapunova Anastasiia
2017Diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of amoebae of the family Thecamoebidae (Amoebozoa)Мезенцев Елисей Сергеевич; Mezentcev Elisei
2017Comparative analysis of acoustic activity of white whales living in natural environment and captivityКалиновская Юлия Евгеньевна; Kalinovskaia Iuliia
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 91