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2022Regulation of arginine biosynthesis in unicellular green algaeВласова Виталина Анатольевна; Vlasova Vitalina Anatolevna
2022Hidden diversity of the dark-spored myxomycetes of the tropical mountain forests in Phia Oac-Phia Den National Park (Northern Vietnam)Бортникова Надежда Андреевна; Bortnikova Nadezda Andreevna
2022Changes in cognitive functions due to lack of sleep in animals with different ecological adaptationsБорщенко Василиса Дмитриевна; Borsenko Vasilisa Dmitrievna
2022Genetic diversity and infective properties of microsporidia from lepidopteran insectsКиреева Дарья Сергеевна; Kireeva Dara Sergeevna
2022Folk traditions of forming an environmental culture and their importance for modern upbringing and education of children with disabilitiesМерзлякова Анастасия Михайловна; Merzlakova Anastasia Mihajlovna
2022Genetic and morphological diversity of the cosmopolitan mesopelagic shrimp Systellaspis debilis (Decapoda: Oplophoridae) in the Atlantic and Indian OceansШапкина Анна Олеговна; Sapkina Anna Olegovna
2022Regenerative potential of the skin cellsЕдоменко Никита Витальевич; Edomenko Nikita Vitalevic
reviewSV_kravchenko.jpg.jpg2022The influence of the ice conditions of the season on the number and distribution of nesting Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) in the eastern part of the Gulf of FinlandКравченко Анастасия Михайловна; Kravcenko Anastasia Mihajlovna
2022History of colonisation of the Kuril Islands by red and grey voles based on cytochrome B variability analysisТурсунова Лидия Сергеевна; Tursunova Lidia Sergeevna
2022Spatial population structure of the gastropod Peringia ulvae in the intertidal zone of the White Sea (Olenevski island, Kandalaksha Bay)Кущ Дарья Анатольевна; Kus Dara Anatolevna