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Результаты 31-40 из 240.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016The issue of information security and cyberterrorism in AsiaГроссман Екатерина Олеговна; Grossman Ekaterina
2016Leisure and entertainment in the Tang era Chang'an, 618-907 AD.Четверикова Екатерина Алексеевна; Chetverikova Ekaterina
reviewSV_SYFjOT575ro.jpg.jpg2016The role of the Sankin kotai system in Tokugawa Japan, 1603-1868Трухан Дарья Владимировна; Trukhan Daria
2016The social historical novel as a genre of works by the Kuwaiti writer Ismail Fahd IsmailСоколов Олег Александрович; Sokolov Oleg
2016Ismail Gasprinski and his proto-Eurasian ideasТихонова Надежда Евгеньевна; Tikhonova Nadezhda
2016Energy partnership between Russia and China in the 21st centuryТолоконцев Александр Сергеевич; Tolokontsev Aleksandr
2016The poetic imagery of the Indian tradition: Reflection in the poetry of AgyeyaТаран Александра Ярославовна; Taran Aleksandra
2016China's attitude toward the Ukraine crisis and the perspectives for political collaboration between Russia and the PRCЩербакова Мария Евгеньевна; Shcherbakova Mariia
2017The free trade agreement between the Korean Republic and the PRCТенишева Динара Шамилевна; Tenisheva Dinara
2017The short story genre in the literature of the 21st century Thailand: A study of works by Prabda Yoon, Vachara Sajasarasin and Jadet KamjorndetОстрянина Анастасия Олеговна; Ostrianina Anastasiia