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Результаты 151-160 из 191.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_otzyv_kotelnikova_2023.jpg.jpg2023Microspatial design as a means of adapting the environment in the context of intensive development: a case study of the Izmailovskaia Perspective area in St.PetersburgКотельникова Ника Глебовна; Kotelnikova Nika Glebovna
2023Developing the design concept for the photobook "My Life in St.Petersburg"Гао Тунюй; Gao Tunuj
2023Methods and tools for designing an application for communication and support for children with autism spectrum disordersЖэнь Боюй; Zen Bouj
reviewSV_otzyv_4.jpg.jpg2023Developing a design concept for an illustrated author's publication (cookbook)Чэнь Си; Cen Si
2023Developing a graphic concept for the author's printed edition for children "Protecting Rare Species"У Хаоян; U Haoan
2023Methods and tools for developing a mobile app for caring for older people with Alzheimer's diseaseЧжан Яочжун; Czan Aoczun
2023Methods and tools for designing a patient's personal account for the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St.Petersburg UniversityШершнёва Анастасия Александровна; Sersneva Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2023Materials and state of conservation of plaques in the Tsentralny District of St.PetersburgШведова Валерия Александровна; Svedova Valeria Aleksandrovna
2023Evolution of techniques for copying sculptureСелезнева Анна Андреевна; Selezneva Anna Andreevna
2023Trends in the developeent of morden piano piecesin China on the example of the compositions of Chu WanghuaЧжан Хао; Czan Hao