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Результаты 121-130 из 191.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_gao.jpg.jpg2022A project of graphics support for St.Petersburg Dolphinarium in the digital spaceГао Сюаньжань; Gao Suanzan
reviewSV_otzyv_Fen_Saouj.jpg.jpg2022Public spaces in traditional and modern urban culture: Jining, ChinaФэн Сяоюй; Fen Saouj
2022An integrated approach to rehabilitation of an abandoned quarry in Wuhan, ChinaЛи Чуньлян; Li Cunlan
2022Developing the dynamic graphics principles based on the Russian and Chinese traditional embroidery ornamentsЛи Сяо; Li Sao
2022Discussion of the application of visual elements in exhibition designХэ Шань; He San
2022The principles of developing a navigation system in the modern educational environmentКириллова Ольга Викторовна; Kirillova Olga Viktorovna
2022Cluster approach to development of a tourist destination based on Onezhskoye Pomorye National ParkМельникова Эльмира Фаридовна; Melnikova Elmira Faridovna
2023Showcases of the Paleontological and Stratigraphic Museum of St.Petersburg State UniversityТарасова Таисия Андреевна; Tarasova Taisia Andreevna
2023Restoration of Pavel Military School cadet uniform in the context of restoration of Russian military costume from the second half of the 19th centuryЕльчанина Алена Юрьевна; Elcanina Alena Urevna
2023Shaping a modern and creative public space in the context of the modernisation of the Kirov Cultural Centre in St.PetersburgЧу Яо; Cu Ao