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Результаты 101-110 из 191.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Otzyv_Nikolaeva_2022.jpg.jpg2022Temporary exhibition and educational spaces in the urban environmentНиколаева Дарья Олеговна; Nikolaeva Dara Olegovna
2022Restoration of the holy gates of the iconostasis at the Assumption Cathedral in the town of KemОблицова Олеся Васильевна; Oblicova Olesa Vasilevna
reviewSV_Otzyv_Nikanorova_2022.jpg.jpg2022Issues in preservation and realisation of aesthetic potential of water landscapes in the context of urban development of coastal areasНиканорова Наталья Сергеевна; Nikanorova Natala Sergeevna
2022Representation of the artist in a contemporary cultural spaceМарьянинова Ксения Евгеньевна; Maraninova Ksenia Evgenevna
2022An environmental approach for renovation of the Yunyan city park in Xi'an, Shaanxi, ChinaЧжао Сяопань; Czao Saopan
2022Supergraphics in the urban environmentАль-Сабри Мужахед Абдулрахман Мохаммед Косем; AlSabri Muzahed Abdulrahman Mohammed Kosem
2022Landscape and ecological restoration of post-industrial areas: a case study of "Tessi" power plant in Anshan, Liaoning province, ChinaБа Ваньли; Ba Vanli
2022Branding new eco-materials in ChinaЮй Тао; Uj Tao
2022Supergraphics in sports interiorsСалех Мохаммед Тарек Мохаммед; Saleh Mohammed Tarek Mohammed
2022Communication tools in postmedia environment. Printed edition "Unreadable Book"Фу Юйдуань; Fu Ujduan