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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 377
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Graphics support for the exhibition "Day of Light" at St.Petersburg UniversityШах Артур Сергеевич; Sah Artur Sergeevic
2024Developing a web application to analyse the placement of equipment on a film setАнкудинов Константин Владиславович; Ankudinov Konstantin Vladislavovic
2024Design and graphic support for the "JAGGER DANCER fest" festivalШарафутдинов Тимур Ильнурович; Sarafutdinov Timur Ilnurovic
2024Design concept for the cultural environment in the house of Princess Shakhovskaya (61, Sadovaya Street, St.Petersburg)Каулина Алина; Kaulina Alina
2024Designing the study guide "Interpersonal communication: social-constructionist analysis" by Nadezhda KazarinovaБабаева Екатерина; Babaeva Ekaterina
2024Graphic support for the author's blog on clothing customisationБориско Илья; Borisko Ila
2024Project of an ethnocultural theme park: Ethnopark of St.PetersburgАстапкевич Валерия; Astapkevic Valeria
2024Designing the author's collection of textile prints "Nabokov's Butterflies"Музыченко Полина Романовна; Muzycenko Polina Romanovna
2024Design and graphic concept for the folding screenРодыгина Ольга; Rodygina Olga
2024Project to convert the Electric Lighting Society Power Station on the Obvodny Canal into a cultural and public centreТришина Элина; Trisina Elina
2024Graphics support for Chinese New Year 2025 in St.PetersburgИнь Сыцзя; In Sycza
2024Performance of a vocal concert programГо Луяо; Go Luao
2024The 4th Forum of Young Writers of Russia and China. Graphic supportВан Давэй; Van Davej
2024Board game based on Ilf and Petrov's book One-Storied AmericaУсевич Юлия Сергеевна; Usevic Ulia Sergeevna
2024Developing a public information film using neural networks to animate static imagesФасахова Рината Ильназовна; Fasahova Rinata Ilnazovna
2024Designing the printed edition on self-branding in designЛю Цзыци; Lu Czyci
2024Collection of decorative textilesНефедов Александр; Nefedov Aleksandr
2024Developing the client part of a web application to summarise videoconferencesСулина Анастасия Владимировна; Sulina Anastasia Vladimirovna
2024Using multimedia technologies to create a series of short films about adaptation in St.PetersburgБутырин Дмитрий Александрович; Butyrin Dmitrij Aleksandrovic
2024Project to improve the yacht club in the Vistula LagoonМолибога Яна Владимировна; Moliboga Ana Vladimirovna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 377