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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Coverage of the Russian and Chinese cultural exchange in mass mediaМэн Цзинсю; Meng Jingxiu
2017Mass media as a channel of cultural communication between Russia and ChinaЛи Юаньюань; Li Yuanyuan
2016European integration of the Ukraine in the Ukrainian and Russian mass mediaМочалова Арина Антоновна; Mochalova Arina
2017Russia as an object of information warfare: evidence from conflicts in Kosovo and GeorgiaЗолотова Виктория Эдуардовна; Zolotova Viktoriia
2017Anti-Russian propaganda in the Baltic statesМалахова Татьяна Евгеньевна; Malakhova Tatiana
2018The mass media and geopolitics of the Muslim worldЕгошин Владислав Николаевич; Egoshin Vladislav
2018Television and cinema: The Russian cinema shooting process on Russian televisionОстапова Мария Александровна; Ostapova Maria
2021Linguistic tools for representation of the current image of Russia in the Russian and Hispanic mediaБельмасова Анастасия Олеговна; Belmasova Anastasia Olegovna
2019The image of China in Russia at the beginning of the 21st centuryЧжао Минхуэй; Czao Minhuej
2022‘Soft power’ of Russia in relation to the Baltic countriesБобровников Руслан Александрович; Bobrovnikov Ruslan Aleksandrovic