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Результаты 1-10 из 35.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Cuba in the United States's foreign policy in 21st century: Status and prospectsКириченко Анастасия Андреевна; Kirichenko Anastasia
2016Traditional Chinese holidays in social contextПэн Юйхань; Peng Yuhan
2016Valuation of private equity deals in emerging countries: Application of the accounting-based modelМенг Фанью; Meng Fanyu
2016Coverage of the Russian and Chinese cultural exchange in mass mediaМэн Цзинсю; Meng Jingxiu
2016Presenting of international news in the mass media of ChinaЦао Цзин; Cao Jing
2016Foreign trade cooperation between the Republic of Korea and countries of Northeast AsiaКозюкова Ольга Александровна; Kozyukova Olga
2016A comparative study in the "special historical period" of Russian and Chinese intelligentsiaЧэнь Чинчин; Chen Qingqing
2016The impact of social media on the development of Chinese national mass mediaЛю Яньфэн; Liu Yanfeng
2016The history of women's head ornaments in ChinaЛитвинчук Алена Игоревна; Litvinchuk Alena
2016Fifteen years of the "going out" economic strategy: Results and perspectivesХамитов Максим Маратович; Khamitov Maksim