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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Investigation journalism in Russia and the USA: A comparative analysisЯук Полина Александровна; Iauk Polina
2018International Information activities of the USA and the Russian FederationКулдышева Эльза Имран кызы; Kuldysheva Elza
2018The issue of independent Kurdistan: Russian and US attitude towards itФатеева Елизавета Андреевна; Fateeva Elizaveta
2018The mass media and geopolitics of the Muslim worldЕгошин Владислав Николаевич; Egoshin Vladislav
2018"Soft power" as an instrument of US foreign policy in Russia in 2009-2016Антонова Александра Сергеевна; Antonova Aleksandra
2018Topical problems of the US-European vector of Russian foreign policyЮрин Михаил Андреевич; Iurin Mikhail
2018The Iranian factor in the foreign policy discourse of Russia and the United States of America in the period from 2009 to the presentОпарин Илья Александрович; Oparin Ilya
2018The use of "soft power" in Eastern Europe: The analysis of the communicative strategies of Russia and the USAИонеску Джеордже Михаил; Ionescu George Mihail