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Результаты 1-10 из 21.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2016About one algorithm for the numerical solution of the system of the two parabolic equations of the special typeSemenova, Natal’ja N.; Terleev, Vitaly V.; Suhoruchenko, Galina I.; Orlova, Elena E.; Orlova, Natalia E.
июн-2016A new approach to finding the control transporting a system from one phase state to anotherZegzhda, Sergey A.; Shatrov, Egor A.; Yushkov, Mikhail P.
июн-2016Effect of rotation axis position of the cylinder on its rotational oscillations in the air streamRyabinin, Anatoly N.; Kiselev, Nikolai A.
июн-2016Buckling of a ring joint with the cylindrical shell under internal pressure in the shellBoyarskaya, Maria L.; Filippov, Sergey B.
июн-2016Natural damped vibrations of anisotropic composite box beams. 1. Statement of the problemRyabov, Victor M.; Boris A., Yartsev
июн-2016Particular solutions of the Chapman—Kolmogorov equation for multi-dimensional-state Markov process with continuous timeMiroshin, Roman N.
июн-2016The stretch of elastic plane with the lattice of straight cutsDahl, Yuriy M.
июн-2016The allowed regions in the problem concerning dynamics of a charged particle in a superposition of dipole and uniform magnetic fieldsKolesnikov, Evgeniy K.; Klushnikov, Georgiy N.
июн-2016Estimates of sums of integrals of Legendre polynomialKholshevnikov, Konstantin V.; Shaidulin, Vakhit Sh.
июн-2016NP-completeness conditions for some types of systems of linear diophantine comparisons and equations consistency checkingKosovskii, Nikolay K.; Kosovskaya, Tatiana M.; Kosovskii, Nikolay N.