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мар-2016Manipulation and Conviction as Subtypes of the Category of Influence (Based on the British Political Discourse)Teneva, Ekaterina V.
мар-2016From Locative Construction to Relative Time: On a Strategy of Grammaticalisation in South MandePerekhvalskaya, Elena V.
мар-2016[Review]. Servius. Commentaire sur l’Énéide de Virgile, livre VI / texte établi, traduit et commenté par Emmanuelle Jeunet-Mancy [Commentary on Book Six of the Vergil’s “Aeneid”: Introduction, text, traduction and comments by Emmanuelle Jeunet-Mancy.] Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2012. cxlv p., 307 p. ISBN 978-2-251-01463- 0; ISSN 0184-7155. Collection des universités de France. Série latine, no. 403Kazanskaya, Maria N.
мар-2016The Scenic Present (Praesens Scaenicum) as One of the Functions of the Present Tense FormRönkä, Risto
мар-2016Operating Norms in Translation on the Basis of Russian-Chinese Corpora: a Case of Chtoby Clauses in RussianTao, Yuan
мар-2016Literary Ideals and the Absurdity of Reality as a Test of a Person’s Spiritual Foundations in the Story “The Pain” by V. T. ShalamovStarikova, Lyudmila S.
мар-2016Gender Variation of Indeclinable Nouns in DictionariesBaranova, Anna S.
мар-2016The Internet Blog as a Genre in Pedagogical DiscourseBazhalkina, Natalia S.
мар-2016The First French Grammar Manual in Russian (1752): On the Principles of Translation of Vassily TeplovKareva, Natalia V.; Sergeev, Mixail L.
мар-2016The Role of the Church Slavonic Tradition in the Russian Legal VocabularyKarpenko, Liudmila B.