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dc.contributor.authorAkopyan, Michael-
dc.contributor.authorBaturo, Vera-
dc.contributor.authorLukashov, Sergey-
dc.contributor.authorPoretsky, Sergey-
dc.contributor.authorPravilov, Anatoly-
dc.description.abstractThe stepwise three-step three-color laser population of the I2(β1g, νβ, Jβ) rovibronic states via the B0+u, νB, JB rovibronic states and rovibronic levels of the 1u(bb) and 0+g (bb) states mixed by hyperfine interaction is used for determination of rovibronic level energies of the weakly bound I2(1u(bb)) state. Dunham coefficients of the state, Yi0 (i = 0–3), Yi1 (i = 0–2), Y02 and Y12 for the v1u = 1–5, 8, 10, 15 and J1u ≈ 9–87 ranges, the dissociation energy of the state, De, and equilibrium I–I distance, Re, as well as the potential energy curve are determined. There are aperiodicities in the excitation spectrum corresponding to the β, νβ = 23, Jβ ← 1u(bb), ν1u = 4, 5, J1u progressions in the I2 + Rg = He, Ar mixture, namely, a great number of lines which do not coincide with the R or P line progressions. Their positions conflict with the ΔJ-even selection rule. Furthermore, they do not correspond to the ΔJ-odd progression.en_GB
dc.publisherIOP Publishing Ltden_GB
dc.titleSpectroscopic constants and potential energy curve of the iodine weakly bound 1 u state correlating with the I( 2 P 1/2 ) + I( 2 P 1/2 ) dissociation limiten_GB
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