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2016Woman's View at Men’s Work: The Revolution and the Civil War through the Eyes of Women and Through Their FatesMorozova, O. M.; Troshina, T. I.
2016The Manufacturing of Ration Cards in the Besieged City of Leningrad, 1941–1943Gavrilova, O. A.; Khodjakov, M. V.
2016Human and the Cacophony of War (Summer-Autumn 1941): New Sources and Attempts of InterpretingIvanov, V. A.
2016Continuing the Work of A. G. Kaftaradze: the Cadets of the 3rd Stage of Accelerated Cources at the Russian General Staff's Nikolai Academy in Red Army (1918–1930s)Kaminsky, V. V.
2016The Commanders of the Transcaucasian Military District During 1937-38 and Their Role within the Process of the Mass Political Repression of the Leadership StructureMilbakh, V. S.; Larkin, V. V.
2016«A New Paradise»: Institutional Aspects of Cinemas in a Russian Province During the Early 20th CenturyUstyugova, V. V.
2016The Discussion about Creation of the “Soviet” Orthodox Church in Leading Circles of Bolshevist Party and the Soviet State (1919–1921)Krapivin, M. Yu.
2016Building the Public Image of the Unknown Soldier. The Italian Case in the Postwar European Context: Memory and CinemaDogo, D.
2016Old Bolshevik A. G. Vasiliev at the Origins of the Political Departments of the Red Army, the Military Division of the Central Committee of the RCP(b)’s Secretariat, and the Soviet Military CounterintelligenceVoytikov, S. S.
2016The Changing Culinary Mores of Celebratory Life within Soviet SocietyPopova, O. D.