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сен-2019Digital control design based on predictive models to keep the controlled variables in a given rangeSotnikova, Margarita V.
сен-2019Traffic queue management algorithm for availability control in telecommunication networksMonakhov, Yury M.; Kuznetsova, Anna P.; Ismailova, Maria R.
сен-2019The formula for the subdifferential of the distance function to a convex set in an nonsymmetrical spaceAbramova, Veronika V.; Dudov, Sergei I.; Zharkova, Anastasia V.
сен-2019Application of webometrics methods for analysis and enhancement of academic site structure based on page value criterionNwohiri, Anthony M.; Pechnikov, Andrey A.
сен-2019Approach to the problem of strategic management of the regional development based on adaptive simulation modelBakhtizin, Albert R.; Nizamutdinov, Marsel M.; Oreshnikov, Vladimir V.
сен-2019About one approach to solving the inverse problem for parabolic equationZhabko, Aleksei P.; Nurtazina, Karlygash B.; Provotorov, Vyacheslav V.
сен-2019Construction of implicit multistep methods for solving integral algebraic equationsBulatov, Mikhail V.; Hadizadeh, Mahmoud; Chistyakova, Elena V.
сен-2019Mathematical model of the integrated supply chainBure, Vladimir M.; Karelin, Vladimir V.; Polyakova, Lyudmila N.; Flegontov, Aleksander V.
сен-2019Mathematical model for evacuation people from corridor-type buildingsMalodushev, Sergei V.; Rogov, Aleksandr A.; Voronov, Roman V.