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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2019Aleut Mortuary Practices. Re-Interpretation of Established Aleut Burial CustomsFrohlich, Bruno; Hunt, David R.; Birna, Jonsdottir
июн-2019Middle Trans-Urals and Taiga Ob’ in the System of Relations of the West Asian Metallurgical provinceКorochkova, Olga N.
июн-2019The Most Ancient Ceramics of Baikal Siberia in the Context of the Traditions of Ceramics of East AsiaVetrov, Viktor M.; Ineshin, Evgeny M.
июн-2019Towards the Origin of Microblade Technology in Northeastern AsiaKeates, Susan G.; Postnov, Aleksander V.; Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.
июн-2019Across Beringia: The Palaeolithic Peopling of CanadaChlachula, Jiri
июн-2019Neolithic of the Northeast Asia and the Arctic Small Tool Tradition of the North AmericaSlobodin, Sergei B.
июн-2019The Eastern Frontier of the Gravettian in the Kostenki-Borshchevo Palaeolithic Locality, the Don Basin, RussiaLisitsyn, Sergey N.
июн-2019Quartz Assemblage from the Early Mesolithic Helvetinhaudanpuro Settlement Site in Eastern Central FinlandRostedt, Tapani; Kriiska, Aivar
июн-2019Climate, Technology, and Glaciers: The Settlement of the Western HemisphereHoffecker, John F.; Pitulko, Vladimir V.; Pavlova, Elena Y.
июн-2019Models of the Corded Ware Culture Distribution in the Upper Western Dzvina RiverTkach, Evgeniia S.