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dc.contributor.authorGeniusas, Saulius-
dc.identifier.citationGeniusas S. Nicolai Hartmann on the Value of Aesthetic Experience. Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, 2019, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 247–260.en_GB
dc.description.abstractI argue that Hartmann’s engagement in the question of the value of aesthetic experience (especially as addressed in Chapter 35 of his Aesthetics) is a specific reinterpretation of the standpoint that we come across in Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy. Hartmann completed his Aesthetics at the end of World War II and some of the central claims in his work echo Nietzsche’s standpoint, as presented in the early work on tragedy, which Nietzsche completed during the Franco-Prussian war. Both studies invite us to ask: what are we to expect from philosophy under such circumstances? Like Nietzsche, Hartmann holds the view that 1) our lives are intrinsically meaningless, that 2) the world is indifferent to meaning, and that 3) aesthetic experience has value insofar as it bestows meaning both on the world and on human existence. Despite the far-reaching thematic and stylistic differences between Hartmann and Nietzsche, both thinkers see aesthetics not as a form of apolitical escapism, but as a direct way of confronting the fundamental problem, which concerns “the sense and meaning of the world and of human life.” They both leave us with the paradoxical and provocative thesis that aesthetic experience is exactly what is needed at the times of political crises.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHorizon. Studies in Phenomenology;Volume 8; Issue 1-
dc.subjectaesthetic experienceen_GB
dc.subjectaesthetic valuesen_GB
dc.subjectaesthetic qualitiesen_GB
dc.subjectaesthetic creativityen_GB
dc.subjectaesthetic meaningfulnessen_GB
dc.titleNicolai Hartmann on the Value of Aesthetic Experienceen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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