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dc.contributor.authorHähnel, Martin-
dc.identifier.citationHähnel M. The Priority of Processes. Hartmann, Whitehead and Aristotle on the Phenomena of Generation and Corruption. Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, 2019, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 123–139.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe following paper presents the three most powerful approaches to the metaphysical phenomena of generation and corruption stemming from Aristotle, Alfred North Whitehead and Nicolai Hartmann. After starting with a general overview of the historical developments of philosophical concepts on the issue of generation and corruption, the article sheds light on different criticisms evaluating the classical Aristotelian account of substance. Thereafter, I refer to the work of Nicolai Hartmann whose aim is to ontologize the fundamental processes of coming-into-being and passing away while his contemporary A. N. Whitehead sets up a certain process philosophy conceptually refraining from an Aristotelian conception of substance. In my view, both approaches require an overall re-examination of Aristotelian metaphysics. In his rediscovered and attention-getting work De generatione et corruptione Aristotle gives an impressive account on how to understand substance out of the processes of coming-into-being and passing-away. Against this backdrop, I finally argue that Aristotle’s conception of becoming is closer to Whitehead’s process philosophy than to Hartmann’s positivistic ontology because in De generatione et corruptione the self-standing character of substance emerges as a subsequent moment of an encompassing processuality (described as a teleological alternation of generation and corruption). In contrast, Hartmann claims that the process itself has to be taken as a self-standing substance.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHorizon. Studies in Phenomenology;Volume 8; Issue 1-
dc.subjectphenomena of generation and corruptionen_GB
dc.subjectprocess philosophyen_GB
dc.titleThe Priority of Processes. Hartmann, Whitehead and Aristotle on the Phenomena of Generation and Corruptionen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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