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2019The influence of biochar on the content of labile carbon and plant-available nitrogen in sod-podzolic soilМилосердова Виктория Александровна; Miloserdova Viktoria Aleksandrovna
2019Development prospects of Georgia tourism industry for RussiansВаганова Наталья Александровна; Vaganova Natala Aleksandrovna
2019The development of the internet resource "Arctic aquatic ecosystem adaptation to climate change and anthropogenic impact"Табидзе Ксения Ираклиевна; Tabidze Ksenia Iraklievna
2019Data quality control (QC): A case study of 2D seismicОленина Ольга Леонидовна; Olenina Olga Leonidovna
2019Analysis of impact assessment methods for aquatic biological resourses during economic activities on the sea shelfКоромникова Арина Владимировна; Koromnikova Arina Vladimirovna
2019Change  of wetland water and geochemical runoff as a result of economic managementКорнаухов Илья Денисович; Kornauhov Ila Denisovic
2019International terrorism as a factor of influence on the geopolitical security of the Russian FederationНилогова Софья Алексеевна; Nilogova Sofa Alekseevna
2019Territorial planning of the Leningrad region: Geographical expertise, best practicesПлатков Нестор Михайлович; Platkov Nestor Mihajlovic
2019Elaboration of the model of the geological structure of the sedimentary cover of the northwestern part of the East Siberian Sea according to seismic data CDP 2DТарасенко Анна Константиновна; Tarasenko Anna Konstantinovna
2019Identifying differences between glacial and gravitational sediments in the Great Salma Strait (the White Sea) using seismic acoustic profilingТокарев Владислав Александрович; Tokarev Vladislav Aleksandrovic