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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 699
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The facial structure of productive strata in the Sukhodudinsky formation of the Messoyakhsky shaftСеливанова Алена Олеговна; Selivanova Alena Olegovna
2024Enotourism in Russia as a promising prospect for developing local tourism productsГоворкова Анна; Govorkova Anna
2024The rationale for the technology for additional extraction of residual reserves of a highly developed fieldАбдуш Жорж; Abdus Zorz
2024Religious tourism in the Republic of AbkhaziaТарба Михаил Русланович; Tarba Mihail Ruslanovic
2024Assessing the conditions and prospects for developing event tourism in UzbekistanБирюкова Анна Евгеньевна; Birukova Anna Evgenevna
2024The development of guidelines for the inclusive tourism advancement in Russia: a case study of a Russian regionСтукаленко София Александровна; Stukalenko Sofia Aleksandrovna
2024Developing a relevant tourism product in the Kyrgyz Republic for tourists from RussiaЖунушева Камила; Zunuseva Kamila
2024The geology, composition and formation conditions of rare-metal pegmatites of Virtaoia, Republic of KareliaСороченко Ксения; Sorocenko Ksenia
2024The influence of starvation of test organisms on assessing the state of the environment using biomarking methodsДимов Диман Ивайлов; Dimov Diman Ivajlov
2024Drilling fluid processing methodsБучече Аюб; Bucece Aub
2024Active water tourism in St Petersburg and the Leningrad regionЛи Илья Александрович; Li Ila Aleksandrovic
2024St Petersburg State University resource base in developing popular science tourismАнтошина Арина; Antosina Arina
2024Socio-economic disparity in AustraliaТюлегенов Алибек Ермекович; Tulegenov Alibek Ermekovic
2024The estates of the Pskov region in the context of the historical and cultural tourism developmentСеливанова Дарья Алексеевна; Selivanova Dara Alekseevna
2024The development of ecotourism in rural areas of the Urals to attract tourists from ChinaРязанова Анжела Сергеевна; Razanova Anzela Sergeevna
2024The compilation of transportation accessibility maps for educational institutions in St PetersburgСтроганов Ярослав Владимирович; Stroganov Aroslav Vladimirovic
2024The action plan for attracting tourists from the Republic of Armenia to St PetersburgАрутюнян Лиана Араевна; Arutunan Liana Araevna
2024A study of microplastic particles in the lakes of the Kola PeninsulaМорозова Елизавета Игоревна; Morozova Elizaveta Igorevna
2024Geochronology methods in analysing the Late Neopleistocene and Holocene deposits in the NW Russia: a case study of the White Sea marginsГриднев Алексей Сергеевич; Gridnev Aleksej Sergeevic
2024Ethnographic tourism development for Chinese tourists in the Republic of ArmeniaАветисян Шарлотта Левоновна; Avetisan Sarlotta Levonovna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 699