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Results 1-10 of 1236 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019The influence of biochar on the content of labile carbon and plant-available nitrogen in sod-podzolic soilМилосердова Виктория Александровна; Miloserdova Viktoria Aleksandrovna
2019Development prospects of Georgia tourism industry for RussiansВаганова Наталья Александровна; Vaganova Natala Aleksandrovna
2019The prospectivity assessment of Ti - Zr placers on the northern coast of the Gulf of FinlandНавинкин Артем Петрович; Navinkin Artem Petrovic
2019Assessment of the flooded area as a result of the destruction of earth damsКильдибеков Евгений Сергеевич; Kildibekov Evgenij Sergeevic
2019The development of the internet resource "Arctic aquatic ecosystem adaptation to climate change and anthropogenic impact"Табидзе Ксения Ираклиевна; Tabidze Ksenia Iraklievna
2019Data quality control (QC): A case study of 2D seismicОленина Ольга Леонидовна; Olenina Olga Leonidovna
2019Analysis of impact assessment methods for aquatic biological resourses during economic activities on the sea shelfКоромникова Арина Владимировна; Koromnikova Arina Vladimirovna
2019Change  of wetland water and geochemical runoff as a result of economic managementКорнаухов Илья Денисович; Kornauhov Ila Denisovic
2019International terrorism as a factor of influence on the geopolitical security of the Russian FederationНилогова Софья Алексеевна; Nilogova Sofa Alekseevna
2019Territorial planning of the Leningrad region: Geographical expertise, best practicesПлатков Нестор Михайлович; Platkov Nestor Mihajlovic