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Результаты 1-10 из 30.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The engineering and geological conditions for constructing a school in the Primorsky district, St PetersburgНикитин Александр Александрович; Nikitin Aleksandr Aleksandrovic
2020The development of recreation in the specially protected natural areas of a metropolis: a case study of St PetersburgСавостина Екатерина Александровна; Savostina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2019Territorial disproportions in the tax revenues of the local budgets in the St Petersburg agglomerationПрокопив Андрей Валерьевич; Prokopiv Andrej Valerevic
2019Selection of a sustainable assortment of conifers for the green spaces of St Petersburg based on ecogeographical analysis and modelingСадикова Дарина Сергеевна; Sadikova Darina Sergeevna
2019The application of satellite data for detection and assessment the urban heat island areaКондратович Диана Кейт; Kondratovic Diana Kejt
reviewSV_2.jpg.jpg2019Geoecological survey of urban areas: A case study of Kronstadt and Vasileostrovsky districts, St PetersburgБайтелова Виктория Вадимовна; Bajtelova Viktoria Vadimovna
2021The involvement of creative spaces in tourist routes to diversify tourist flows in St PetersburgПарфенова Александра Михайловна; Parfenova Aleksandra Mihajlovna
2021The current trends and development prospects for tourism from China to St Peterburg and the Leningrad regionАнтуфьева Вероника Андреевна; Antufeva Veronika Andreevna
2021Prospects for the formation of a city-wide public space in the historical part of the Vasilievsky Island, St PetersburgБахтияров Аскар Булатович; Bahtiarov Askar Bulatovic
2021The influence of social infrastructure availability on pricing on the residential real estate market of St PetersburgДидковская Анастасия; Didkovskaa Anastasia