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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2016The distribution and ecology of the middle lizards Lacerta media Lantz et Cyren, 1920 (Reptilia: Sauria: Lacertidae) in DagestanMazanaeva, Lyudmila F.; Askenderov, Azim D.
дек-2018The distribution centres choice in the facility location problem on the basis of statistical modeling proceduresLozkins, Aleksejs
2021Distribution network modeling of the product category “ice cream”Прончатова Евгения Дмитриевна; Proncatova Evgenia Dmitrievna
2024Distribution of Amount of Medical Care in the Compulsory Health Insurance (CHI) System: the Case of St. PetersburgМартынова Арина Алексеевна; Martynova Arina Alekseevna
2023Distribution of Carmichael numbers of special typeДорохин Александр Игоревич; Dorohin Aleksandr Igorevic
2023The distribution of common mole vole’s (Ellobius talpinus) burrows in a typical habitat of the Saratov region depending on soil and vegetation characteristicsЧерепенко Полина Сергеевна; Cerepenko Polina Sergeevna
2024The distribution of jet streams in the Northern and Southern hemispheresНиколаева Полина Александровна; Nikolaeva Polina Aleksandrovna
1974The distribution of mutations on veron map of complementation of the locus ade2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSoidlat, T.R.; Koval, A.M.; Сойдла, Т.Р.; Коваль, А.М.
2021Distribution of sums of squares in arithmetic progressionsПури Акшай Ашок; Puri Aksaj Asok
2017The distribution of the burden of proof in certain categories of civil casesВеснина Анастасия Александровна; Vesnina Anastasiia
2019Distribution of the population in AustraliaПушкарева Милитина Федоровна; Puskareva Militina Fedorovna
2023The distribution patterns of oil products in the soils of some oilfield facilities in the Republic of Crimea (Cape Kazantip, Lake Tobechik)Алексеева Ирина Евгеньевна; Alekseeva Irina Evgenevna
2017The distributive mode of verbal action: The functional semantic aspectЧэнь Жулань; Chen Rulan
2016District public libraries in St Petersburg at early XX century: A case study of Novoladozhskaya library named after A.S. PushkinХолод Александр Сергеевич
2016Disturbances in pursuit of tracking eye movements in schizophreniaДавыденка Даниил Сергеевич; Davydenka Daniil
2016Ditransitive constructions in the Bantu languages: A comparative analysisТропникова Анастасия Дмитриевна; Tropnikova Anastasiia
дек-2016Diurnal dynamics of atrioventricular conduction in healthy personsTihonenko, Viktor M.; Treshkur, Tat’yana V.; Lyshova, Olga V.; Zemcovskii, Ehduard V.; Reeva, Svetlana V.
2018The divan of the 12th century Persian Sufi poet Ahmad-e JamГромацкий Александр Денисович; Gromatskii Aleksandr
2018Diversification of the regional tourist product as a tourism development factor in the region: A case study of the Orel RegionОвсепян Георгий Арменович; Ovsepyan Georgii