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Результаты 1882 по 1901 из 42642 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Automatic analysis of feedback in recommender systemsСилифонтова Наталья Александровна; Silifontova Natalia
2017Automatic annotation of single documentsСандул Михаил Вадимович; Sandul Mikhail
2018Automatic check of answers in the heterogeneous base of autonomous educational institutionsКозлова Елена Сергеевна; Kozlova Elena
reviewSV_nshevchenko-dluciv-bach-review-2016.jpg.jpg2016Automatic chord recognition in digital audioШевченко Настасья Сергеевна; Shevchenko Nastasia
2016Automatic classification of Reuters news corpus into IPTC taxonomyСадреева Юлия Ильдаровна; Sadreeva Yulia
2018Automatic code repairГарифуллина Гузель Раифовна; Garifullina Guzel
reviewSV_OtzyvGusev.jpg.jpg2022Automatic control of a group of robotsГусев Данила Андреевич; Gusev Danila Andreevic
2016Automatic control of quadrocopter landing on a moving baseЛюбич Леонард Яковлевич; Liubich Leonard
2023Automatic creation of unit tests to detect vulnerabilities in application source codesПогребной Андрей Константинович; Pogrebnoj Andrej Konstantinovic
2021Automatic creation of video presentation from textБеляков Юрий Дмитриевич; Belakov Urij Dmitrievic
2021Automatic detection of aggression in the texts of online communitiesБархатова Валерия Андреевна; Barhatova Valeria Andreevna
2018Automatic detection of events of international importance based on analysis of news feed in various languagesЯушева Ольга Александровна; Iausheva Olga
2021Automatic detection of hidden communities in the texts of the Russian social network corpusМамаев Иван Дмитриевич; Mamaev Ivan Dmitrievic
reviewSV_piskunova.jpg.jpg2019Automatic determination of the complexity of English texts according to CEFR levelsПискунова Анна Сергеевна; Piskunova Anna Sergeevna
2018Automatic extraction and classification of constructions from syntactically annotated corpus (with regard to disambiguation)Бамбурова Ольга Александровна; Bamburova Olga
2017Automatic extraction of news in social media using WekaКороткова Елизавета Алексеевна; Korotkova Elizaveta
2018Automatic extraction of terms derived from proper namesАндреева Анна Леонидовна; Andreeva Anna
2017Automatic generation of domain-specific sentiment dictionaries as illustrated by bank reviewsЮшина Татьяна Андреевна; Iushina Tatiana
2017Automatic generation of domain-specific sentiment Russian dictionariesДубатовка Алина Дмитриевна; Dubatovka Alina
июн-2023Automatic Generation of Lexico-Grammatical Tests for Russian as a Foreign Language Using Predictive Language ModelsBelyi, Andrei V.; Mitrofanova, Olga A.; Dubinina, Nadezhda А.