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Результаты 12570 по 12589 из 44698 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Implementation of commodity exchange system based on distributed ledger technologyМаксудян Людмила Ареговна; Maksudan Ludmila Aregovna
2022Implementation of counterfactual regret minimization algorithms in imperfect information gamesТокарева Ксения Владимировна; Tokareva Ksenia Vladimirovna
2016Implementation of cross-platform web-applications access to system APIБатов Никита Станиславович; Batov Nikita
2016Implementation of data processing algorithm in testing magnetsНизова Диана Александровна; Nizova Diana
2017Implementation of data-driven technologies in online shops' promotionНужденко Иван Борисович; Nuzhdenko Ivan
2021Implementation of deep learning methods in medical diagnosticsВопилова Ольга Анатольевна; Vopilova Olga Anatolevna
2022Implementation of distiller for model language in HaskellВинник Екатерина Петровна; Vinnik Ekaterina Petrovna
2016Implementation of DxEL optimising compiler for Java platformСемин Алексей Васильевич; Semin Aleksei
2024Implementation of dynamic attributes in number storage serviceПетров Владимир Сергеевич; Petrov Vladimir Sergeevic
2019The implementation of economic diplomacy by the Head of State of the Kingdom of Spain with regard to the countries of North Africa and Latin AmericaАбрамова Алена Викторовна; Abramova Alena Viktorovna
2011Implementation of energy strategy of Russia – choosing priority projects based on international experienceSlepova, Alexandra; Слепова, А.
2011The implementation of environmental management systems in Russian companies: International contextBerman, Anatoly
2017Implementation of F# language support in JetBrains Rider IDEАудучинок Евгений Павлович; Auduchinok Evgeniy
2024Implementation of HR Tech in Russian OrganizationsНиколаева Татьяна Александровна; Nikolaeva Tatana Aleksandrovna
2023Implementation of inclusion dependency discovery algorithm on Desbordante platformСмирнов Александр Андреевич; Smirnov Aleksandr Andreevic
2017Implementation of interaction between server and client software and hardwareАнкаренко Сергей Александрович; Ankarenko Sergey
2023Implementation of International Legal Instruments on the Protection of Trademarks in the People's Republic of China and the Russian FederationЛи Шаньлинь; Li Sanlin
2024Implementation of interval analysis using abstract interpretation for searching for vulnerabilities in JavaScript projectsВыгузов Артем Андреевич; Vyguzov Artem Andreevic
2024Implementation of intrinsic functions for RISC-V processor architecture in OpenJDKБочкарев Арсений Петрович; Bockarev Arsenij Petrovic
2023The Implementation of IVF for the Purpose of Birth Rate Stimulation in Russian FederationЗыкова Елизавета Сергеевна; Zykova Elizaveta Sergeevna