Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема autobiography

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Результаты 1 по 17 из 17
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Autofiction in Georges Perec`s worksКириченко Владислав Владимирович; Kiricenko Vladislav Vladimirovic
июн-2019Conceptualization of autobiographical data in response to questions on life choicePopova-Nikityuk, Natalia N.
2018The Confessional Poetry of Anne Sexton: The Narrative of Personal Experience as a Search for IdentityВикулина Надежда Игоревна; Vikulina Nadezhda
сен-2019“Dawn blossoms plucked at dusk” by Lu Xun as AutobiographyKhuziyatova, Nadezhda K.; Kurako, Yulia S.
2023E. Limonov's novel "It's me, Eddie": communication "author-reader"Пищулина Анастасия Сергеевна; Pisulina Anastasia Sergeevna
дек-2017Fortuity as ontologeme of autobiographic narrativesSapogova, Elena E.
2018Genre peculiarity of Nikolai Leykin’s collection "For fun: Humorous tricks of a nib"Ван Лихун; Wang Lihong
июн-2020In Search of a New Identity: A Study of Youth Representations in Autobiographies of the Early 1920sRybakov, R. V.
дек-2016Model of Narrative Analysis of Personal Identity StyleZaitseva, Yu. E.
2018Moral and philosophical position of Vasily Zhukovsky: Ideas of Jean-Jacques Rosseau and masonry in diaries of 1804-1810 years.Сконникова Дарья Сергеевна; Skonnikova Daria
дек-2018The paradox of Petkevich (on the peculiarities of the semantic structure of the memoir book by T. V. Petkevich Life is an Unpaired Boot)Bolshev, Aleksandr O.
2022Preparing for publication and folklore, ethnographic commenting on G.F. Krugov’s peasant poetic biography "Bitter fate or Songs about my life from birth to 45 years" (from the collection of Archive of Ancient Relics of the Institute of Russian Literature)Гольник Анна Родионовна; Golnik Anna Rodionovna
июн-2021A review of research literature on the topic of the priesthood in the works of st. Gregory the TheologianAntonov, Nikolay K.
мар-2018Time of meaning: Narrative modus of time perspectiveZaitseva, Yulia E.
мар-2021The unfulfilled museum collection of works by G. S. Vereiskiy: The artist’s autobiography as a key to his creative heritageVakhromeeva, Oksana B.
2016Vladimir Nabokov's prefaces as a genre formationТрегубова Евгения Владимировна; Tregubova Evgeniia
2024The world of the noble woman in Early Modern England: Anne Clifford and her diariesАстахова Марина Николаевна; Astahova Marina Nikolaevna