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Результаты 1 по 20 из 20
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Actualisation of a historical and cultural environment: a case study of the settlement of Lavra, the Pechora District, the Pskov RegionОберниенко Вероника Игоревна; Obernienko Veronika Igorevna
2021"Cultural stop" as a concept for developing the Konyushenny yard space based on environmental design methodsЕрмакова Софья Сергеевна; Ermakova Sofa Sergeevna
2021Design concept of the graphics support system for the Kite Festival in a modern event environmentЛю Цянь; Lu Can
2021Design concept of the graphics support system for the traditional "Lantern Festival" in the modern information spaceДин Жуйсюе; Din Zujsue
2019Designing graphics support for educational activities of the Academic Gymnasium named after D.K. Faddeev of St Petersburg UniversityРазумова Анна Кирилловна; Razumova Anna Kirillovna
2021Designing graphics support for the author's illustration exhibitionАрхипова Анастасия Анатольевна; Arhipova Anastasia Anatolevna
2021Designing graphics support for the NANOMEDICA ClinicБаранова Анастасия Андреевна; Baranova Anastasia Andreevna
2022Developing a graphics concept for the virtual China sightseeing guidebookЛю Цзяхуэй; Lu Czahuej
2022Developing the dynamic graphics principles based on the Russian and Chinese traditional embroidery ornamentsЛи Сяо; Li Sao
2021An environmental approach to the design of temporary museum exhibitions. The Movement to the Sun Exhibition in the Russian Museum of EthnographyСаяпина Полина Дмитриевна; Saapina Polina Dmitrievna
2021An environmental approach to the design of the festival of the city of Chengdu, a twin city of St Petersburg, in the street urban spaceЧэн Юаньци; Cen Uanci
2022The environmental concept for the parkland in the city of IzhevskОлейник Анастасия Дмитриевна; Olejnik Anastasia Dmitrievna
2022Informational and graphics support for the "Masks of the Beijing opera" projectЧжуан Инь; Czuan In
2023Modernisation of the Solvychegodsk Library, Kotlassky District, the Arkhangelsk Region, based on the model standard for a public libraryБелова Анастасия Александровна; Belova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2023North Ossetia-Alania guidebook designКовальчук Элиза Олеговна; Kovalcuk Eliza Olegovna
2023Revitalising the socio-cultural environment of rural areas through the development of the library system: a case study of the Kotlassky Municipal District, the Arkhangelsk RegionВасильева Анастасия; Vasileva Anastasia
2023The role of graphic design in mixed-format communication in the learning sphere: a case study of interaction with Chinese studentsХуан Сэньли; Huan Senli
2023The role of narrative scenario in the revitalisation of historic districts: a case study of the city of ChengduЧэн Юаньци; Cen Uanci
2019Spatial and conceptual planning of transit zones of educational institutions by means of environmental design: A case study of a residential school - St Petersburg University Academic GymnasiumУсова Екатерина; Usova Ekaterina
2023Techniques for the formation of a contemporary art museum using environmental design tools: a case study of the city of IzhevskНиколаева Александра Николаевна; Nikolaeva Aleksandra Nikolaevna