Browsing by Author Tatarenko Filipp Tarasovic

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Female characters in Higuchi Ichiyō's writingsКонстантинова Полина Сергеевна; Konstantinova Polina Sergeevna
2021Gairaigo (loan words) in newspaper and TV news in Modern JapaneseПетухов Антон Сергеевич; Petuhov Anton Sergeevic
2021The issue of translating medical terms from Japanese into RussianОстапчук Елена Константиновна; Ostapcuk Elena Konstantinovna
2022Japanese nationalism in the 21st centuryБредихина Виктория Евгеньевна; Bredihina Viktoria Evgenevna
2021Linguistic characteristics of Japanese texts on science and technologyЗарифов Искандер Рифкатович; Zarifov Iskander Rifkatovic
2021Phraseological units with colour components in Japanese, Russian, and English: A semantic analysisЕрмолина Ольга Ильинична; Ermolina Olga Ilinicna
2023The principles of translating socio-political literature from English to Japanese during the Meiji Era: The case of "Self-help" by S.SmilesГерасимова Александра Федоровна; Gerasimova Aleksandra Fedorovna
2022Problems of modern machine translation systems: The case of JapaneseПараскун Мария Павловна; Paraskun Maria Pavlovna
2022The representation of women and family relationships in the prose by Kaori EkuniРубекина Алиса Борисовна; Rubekina Alisa Borisovna
2022The role of domestic policies in Japan's post-war development: A comparison with GermanyКравцова Катерина Юрьевна; Kravcova Katerina Urevna
2022The study of Russian in Japan: From the 19th to the early 21st centuriesРахматуллин Илья Владиславович; Rahmatullin Ila Vladislavovic
2023The transformation of Confucianism in Japan in the 17th - 19th centuriesХуан Яфань; Huan Afan